1. We officially have what is considered a large family outside of Utah.
It never fails. Every time I go to Costco, people stop me in the aisle to inform me of the largitude of my family. It often comes as a compliment followed by doting, to which 3 year old Lulu will respond to by turning around, as she's walking away, and winking at men (usually grandpa-ish looking ones). Not often, but sometimes, I've found that there are people who take personal offense to the healthy functioning of my womb. It's okay though. Perhaps there are some who fear a hostile world take-over by happy chatterboxes intent on making you smile...even if it means holding you down and zerbiting your naked belly until you giggle. (We've cracked some of the hardest cases)
2. With 4 children, it's nearly impossible to have a perfectly clean house, dinner on the table and a well-rounded daily homeschool education. I say 'nearly' because there are some days when I hold my breath, turn red, stomp my feet and have a melt-down temper tantrum because I believe there has to be a transcendent day in there somewhere!
3. Speaking of returning to a normal skin color, counting to ten and putting my big-girl panties back on (thanks, Deanna, for that beautiful and articulate analogy), No, not everyone is going to like you, even if you were to show up at their doorstep with fresh fruit and warm bread and a list of what makes you completely adorable...I feel the hyperventilating again.
No really, it's okay. I'm remembering and re-remembering that there is only One person I need to worry about liking me. After that, everything else falls into place.
4. But speaking of bread. I'm beginning to suspect that many of the world's ills would heal if more people were willing to bake bread for each other AND personally deliver it. They may not like you, as referenced in #3, but their inclination to utterly destroy you may ease up a bit.
5. Spouses who were comatose the first time around can watch a movie the second time and be completely and utterly surprised by the ending.
I've come to discover He-Man does not remember a single movie we watched in grad-school. We've got a lot of catching up to do.
6. If the clothes don't fit in the store's dressing room, they still won't at home.
Those of us hour-glass figures (aka: ME) need to realize that tops that end an inch of two above the hips should be avoided at all cost as you will look like one, enormous boob. Don't be a cautionary lesson in mammology!!
7. Speaking of clothes, studded blouses may sparkle when light reflects but that's not necessarily a good thing...unless you're a retiree AND on an exotic cruise. And good friends will tell you so. (A shout-out to Timi, Maggie, Leigh Anna and Jamie).
8. I LOVE Anthropologie. It gives me hope of someday becoming fashionably reasonable.
9. Hard work does pay off and those who do so much of it are heroes in the eyes of their family. I'm still not sick of He-Man coming home at 4 and staying home with us. Hasn't gotten old once!
10. Children need no encouragement to know that de-pantsing people is funny.
Apparently, de-pantsing mannequins in JC Penney is even funnier.
11. If you don't truly feel truly at home in your own home, you probably won't feel completely whole.
But, the prospect of being at home in a place of warmth and goodness can keep you going for a very, very long time.
12. Sometimes, after losing a large amount of money can best be chalked up as '2010's Stupid Taxes'. Looking at it any other way may lead to uncontrollable twitching.
It still hurts. A lot. But sometimes it's a blessing in disguise.
Example: Previously mentioned new home.
13. It really doesn't matter where you are, being with your family means you are home. How can I complain about the cockroaches, fire ants, yard filled with dead sod when all I need is right here.
I still want to complain...just a little bit.
14. Financial/Job Security is not the end of trial and difficulty.
I think you're amazing! Thanks for the great post!
Oh I loved these last two posts. I tore through them and can't wait to see you and actually get to visit IN PERSON and share stories. The funny ones and the not so funny.
I love you Trishelle! You are awesome. It's been quite a year hasn't it? The way you write about it (warts and all) is helping me have a better outlook at MY current trials.
I love reading your blog!!! It's all so true! I didn't know you homeschooled?? How great are you!!!! You are adorable Trishelle!
What??! You haven't reached that transcendent state of homeschool bliss?? What's WRONG with you?? Snort.
Oh, wait, I'm not sure I've EVER seen that, though mommy tantrums happen regularly. We're passing up ten years, so maybe I should just let that fantasy go. LOL
Great things to learn! Glad I could learn them too. I liked the last one. Sometimes I think once we get out of grad school and have a real job, that life will finally be easier. It will probably just be hard in a different way...
You are so awesome! I really hear ya on some of these. I'm so glad you guys are getting to finally move to a place you will love. Miss you guys!
Oh T, I miss you so very muchly! I think you are fantastic and beautiful and full of the Spirit of God. You are sunshine wrapped into a woman. I wish you were closer, but much love to you and yours. Hugs, Stacey
Oh my goodness, but I love to ready your writing! You express things so well and I simply love that you look on the sunny side of life always. We continue to love all Duncans! You are great!
I don't know of anyone that didn't like you and think that anyone that didn't is down right, OUT OF THEIR MIND!! I love you Trishelle hope you continue to see the natural beauty in your life, because you've helped me see mine :)
YOu are loved by your ever loving Sister that rarely checks blogs...:) You are awesome!
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