Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A Year In Review...

Almost exactly 4 years ago Sunshine, Bun and I pulled up to Orem, Utah while He-Man stayed behind in Oregon to finish his last portion of school finals, exams and clinic requirements.

Three years to the day later, we pulled away from our lovely home with two more children and a sense of great anticipation.

It was a year ago we were half-way between Utah and Jax, sick with the Swine Flu and burning through Texas. With a plan to pull into our new driveway the day before Halloween. We were all excited to chase He-Man's dream job across the country. I was particularly eager to set up our home and had mentally placed every piece of furniture in it's proper place in the home we selected but had never seen live.

After driving all day, we pulled up in the afternoon, met our Realtor in the driveway and walked into the home.

Our hearts sank. The house was trashed. Half out of respect for the home and an eagerness to kick of my shoes, I left my shoes at the door. Within a few steps, I could feel the bottom of my feet covered with dirt.

The landlord breezed in and quickly handed us our 12-month lease and waited for us to sign. And sign we did.

While I could say it was a big mistake, I don't think I can honesty believe it. We've made too many friendships with neighbors for the entire experience to be a wash.

I will say this though. It only took a few hours and a survey of the house for us to realize it was going to be a long, long year in this house.

Now, with our Halloween costumes piled on top of the coffee table and boxes scattered through the house, we prepare to move...but not just into any house, but what I'm convinced is THE house.

Many of you are aware of the ordeal house hunting has been . That's a story for another time. While we'll be living in between a hotel and family's home for a month, I'm happy to report we'll be moving home at the beginning of December.

In the meantime, I thought I'd put the year in a nutshell. It's so funny, I've always been a rose-colored-glasses type of a person but if this past year has taught me anything, it's that life isn't perfect and that's okay. Even more, it's okay to admit that perfection has alluded me...(must. stop. hyperventilating...I'm still working on it's application).

So, I'm breaking this blog post up into parts because it's gonna be long winded. I'm going to share my 'HIGHS', my 'LOWS', and the lessons I'm still trying to learn...


Jennifer said...

I hope next month goes by quick for you! Did you buy a house and cannot get into it until December? Keep smiling as I know you always do! Your're amazing and always inspire me to be a better person! I love what you said "Financial/Job Security is not the end of trial and difficulty." That is so true if is not one thing is always another thing that with help us "build our character!" Love you!

Alyssa Phair said...

Both of these posts made me cry! I think it's partly pregnancy hormones but also partly because I can completely relate! We are currently living in a home that is WAY too small for us. At first I was going bananas daily, now it's moved to every other day :) It's difficult to live somewhere that doesn't feel like home but sometimes we have to make do. I've learned that financial stability DOES NOT make life easy. Really it's a little bit of a wolf in sheeps clothing. Anyway, thanks for sharing your thoughts! Your blog posts always make me think. Even your "complaining" makes me realize I need to change the way I complain ;) You're awesome!!

Michelle said...

Good luck with the move! I hope you enjoy your new house!

Penny said...

If you feel you can't hack the two weeks in the hotel, you can always come early. WE CAN'T WAIT!!!