Monday, January 19, 2009

GRRRRRR...whimper, whimper, limp, limp, whimper...

Thursday I received a reminder that I'm no longer in my twenties. This was in the form of an obnoxious sports injury. It's starts like this:

Wednesday, I went to the gym to get my run in. It was lunch time by the time I got to go and for lunch, I got a healthy serving of Matlock on one of the television channels. It was a great episode where Matlock and his lawyer daughter go on vacation to the beach. Inevitably, the hapless manager for the hotel they are staying in conveniently gets murdered (I know! The coincidence is UNCANNY!). Maybe it was the big eighties hair or the plastic sunglasses that were completely fashion forward, but for whatever reason, I was riveted after 15 minutes and was happy when I realized my run would be finished around the time the case was solved. BUT....

The vacation was to be continued! What?! Seeing as how we are challenging ourselves to find out how long we can go without cable television the only way I could see the second part was if I came back the next day. Since I'm fairly certain it wouldn't be athletically acceptable to plant myself between the treadmills while watching the continuation, I committed to going running on Thursday too (which I previously hadn't planned on).

On Thursday, He-Man was late getting home for lunch so I hightailed it to the gym and made it in time to seeing the beginning credits roll. I stepped up my speed and was pushing a little harder, when suddenly, my lower back completely zinged with pain. Had I not been able to compose myself, I'm sure my reaction would have involved a unearthly yowl, an embarrassing tumble off the treadmill and large amounts of drool.

I tried to stretch it out, walk it off, anything 'it off' but I could hardly walk. So I was faced with a dilemma: leave now and let my husband fix my back or fake the rest of my workout and watch the rest of the Matlock....seriously! The unanswered questions of "Who murdered Mr. Amorous Hotel Manager?" and "Why does the assistant manager look plastic?" and "When are these people going to realize to live a long life they must stay away from Matlock?" would burn in my brain and keep me up at night.

My logical self rarely wins the debate and this time was no exception. Turns out, Matlock's daughter's best friend was....the killer!! Who knew she was a professional assasin?! (You'd think in the decades of friendship, the subject would come up at some point.)

Needless to say I spent the next few days in bed, in a lot of pain, and totally irritated with myself. I even hobbled up to Dr. He-Man on Saturday and tried to form a convincing argument as to why I should be able to have a workout since I stayed in a reclining position for the previous 2 days. After about ten minutes, it was obvious I was totally losing and went back to bed.

On a happier note, I FINALLY saw WALL-E while laid up. I love it!! It's one of my new favorite movies.

Oh! And today, I'm feeling good enough to get back to normal...mostly. Although, it's going to be a couple of weeks before I run!


moultriefam said...

you sound like me, what did you do? I'll have to tell you what I did sometime...we still need to get together again

nanadover said...

Poor thing! I feel for ya and can relate...although I wasn't on a treadmill when my back went out. I was plugging in a vacuum cleaner. The day before, I had helped a friend take down her "monster of a Christmas tree" which had me bending and twisting in every direction other then what is normal.
That was almost 4 years ago. I am still having to pay for chiropractic care. Lucky you!...that you don't have to pay the doc! Get well soon, and don't over-do. It will haunt you!

Alyssa Phair said...

You are hilarious! I can totally NOT relate though. You see, I'm still in my youthful twenties and feeling as spry as ever ;) At least you got to watch two good shows/movies while injured... maybe in the future you'll stick to the mild sport adapted for people your age... water aerobics!! bwah hahaha :)
- your awesome young friend, Alyssa

Kelley said...

So what happened exactly? I remember one time I was bending over to change Josh's diaper (I know, it was a long time ago) when my entire back went out. I could barely breathe I was in so much pain. Thankfully my husband's uncle, a chiropractor, was in town from CA and he adjusted me a few times over the next several days. It still hurt really bad, though. I hope you get better quick.

Laurie Linn said...

Oh Trishelle - doesn't it just tork you when your body doesn't agree with the age your mind spirit thinks you should be? I really do hate it when that happens.
And poor Matlock - he really does have the worst luck!!!

Laurie Linn said...

Oh - I am so sorry this happened to you. Listen to hyour very wise private doctor. It really does tork me when my body doesn't agree with my spirit, which thinks I am still in my 20s. And poor Matlock - will he never learn?