Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Conversational Taboos: Bodily Funtions, Your Unmentionables, Voldemort and...Politics

Even those who haven't read the 'Harry Potter' series know about Voldemort. They may also know that in the wizarding world his name was so taboo, most people were afraid to even say his name. Thus, he became the bad guy "You Know Who" or "He Who Shall Not be Named".

Back in our own world, we have our own conversational taboos; those topics that we must tread upon carefully so as not to alienate those within earshot. These are, among others, bodily functions, your underwear, religion and....politics.

Perhaps my current blog entry is the wizarding world's equivalent of Voldemort showing up to a church wearing lingerie and having a bad case of the burps but it has been on my mind a lot the past few weeks...

Generally when there are political discussions in our home it is He-Man doing the talking and it's usually with someone other than me because it is about my least favorite thing to talk with people about. It's such a personal topic and I often feel like I am violating boundaries if I bring it up. He-Man on the other hand loves to talk to people about it, even if it means he is on the other side of a debate.

I'm stretching myself a bit by discussing this but here are my questions: When did it become perfectly acceptable to destroy a political opponent's image? When did elections become more about who can dig up the most salacious, character damaging dirt and less about ideals and policies? Please understand I am not pointing a finger at any one party because the venom is ubiquitous. Really, no political affiliation has a monopoly on all this nastiness.

Honestly, if a person treated loved ones in such a manner they would be left with no friends. Family members would be wearing garlic clove necklaces around their necks and shielding themselves with mirrors when in that person's presence; because wouldn't people like that be considered 'emotional bloodsuckers'?

In recent years I have learned something about myself in this regard. In the past when I have gotten angry or felt provoked (whether it was in my mind or real) I would get mean and nasty. I would allow myself to verbalize thoughts and feelings that should have stayed unsaid. It's unfortunate that it damaged a few relationships in my life but I'm really blessed to have incredibly forgiving loved ones. But still, the damage that was done was so hurtful and potentially scarring that it could have easily done irrevocable harm.

Sadly, those hurtful, ugly things verbalized in the public arena are much, much worse in that they are forever in the public memory and a person's image can be tarnished everywhere they go. I heard the analogy once of a man opening a bag of feathers into a blustery day and then, when the wind stopped, he attempted to retrieve every feather. Technically, it may be possible to do just that but I imagine retrieving another person's good name may not be. How is it that horrible, nasty things can escape a person's lips like that? Seriously! You kiss your Mama with that mouth?! UG!

And so it goes. As the voting season reaches a fever pitch and voices are ranting in favor of one candidate and in loathing of another, I truly wish that they could find a way to stop and give each other a great, big sandwich hug, apologize for saying cruel things, agree to keep the debates about issues, ideals and policy and then, at the end, sign each other's year books with the words like, 'friends 4ever' and 'keep in touch' (nobody actually does, but it leaves you with a happy feeling). Then, we as a nation, can all collectively sigh, releasing ginormous levels of carbon dioxide and in the process making lots and lots of trees very happy thus be super eco-friendly. See! Multiple problems solved.

The End


Christine said...

I couldn't agree with you more. This is not a contest of who has the best "yo mama" lines. I want to know what you believe in and what your plans are!!! Is that too much to ask???

Christine said...

I've also noticed that politics are super personal and it rarely goes over incredibly well when they surface. I personally wish this weren't the case. I would love to know all my friends' views. I think we could all gain a lot of insight and understanding and knowledge from each other, but it's taboo as you say, and awkward to say the least. Like remember last summer with the whole vouchers issue. Neighbors had opposing signs on their lawns! What do you do? I'm no good at conflict. I wonder if it would be better somehow if we could open up a little about politics and learn from each other. Just a wish I guess. :)

Kirstin said...

All I can say is DITTO DITTO DITTO!!!

Kelley said...

You know, it was really, really refreshing to see the leadership of the Church move onto President Monson's shoulders so easily, especially since it happened in the middle of all this political hoopla. I vote, but I seriously dislike the mudslinging and nastiness that accompanies election year.

Great post, Trish!

Anonymous said...

right on - totally agree - I get to the point of where I refuse to listen or watch because they don't discuss the issues - but try to bring each other down

Maylin said...

Well put. I can't stand the mud-slinging.

Erin said...

Ok, I'll play devil's advocate (which I have been known to do, just to have a fun debate). I agree that things are WAY out of hand in the mudslinging department. But on the other hand, it would be horrible to elect a president, only to find out too late that he or she has some huge moral flaw or flub that goes against what I believe, or that they have been hiding their true intentions. Maybe that's part of how the whole thing started, with people just trying to know as much as they could about whoever they were about to call their "leader." But then again, do we really want to elect anyone who takes it upon themselves to point out to millions of people the mote in their opponents' eye? (Sounds like Chris and I could have a jolly good time discussing politics, eh?)

Heather said...

Amen! I don't mind talking politics, but when things start getting ugly I'm just as sickened as the next person.

And I just love your writing:

Voldemort in lingerie! Signing each other's yearbooks!

You're so cool.

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