Saturday, February 20, 2010

A Run On the Seashore...

One of my favorite things to do here is to run at the beach. It's seriously amazing.

Sometimes it's raining and washed up jellyfish litter the beach.

Sometimes it's dusk and the beachfront hotels light their tiki torches and they guide my way.

Sometimes I park by the crab shack and can hear the party music.

Today, it was gorgeous weather. He-Man and I took the girls to the beach and they fed the seaguls while I took my run.

There was so much to see on a morning like today's. A man had his little Coleman cooler and he was fishing along the shore.

A couple I've noticed before was scanning the sand with their metal detectors.

There were bikers, joggers, yogis and families basking in the gloriousness of the beautiful weather....lots of positive energy.

I noticed as we arrived, canopies and barricades were being broken down from an event. It ended up being a race in supporting breast cancer research. I felt a little sad that I hadn't done my run just a little earlier so I could participate and support the cause. It's such an important cause.

As I ran up to what was obviously the finish line of the race, I noticed the plastic pathway hadn't been broken down. A few feet from that finish line I saw something that took my breath away. It was so simple yet given the circumstances of the event just held there, what I saw seemed so profound...

I lost a great-grand mother to breast cancer. It's in my family. My Aunt Keturah lost her mom to it. My beloved grandmother had it and recovered. We've had several scares with my mom finding suspicious lumps before. Just recently I have cried and prayed over two friends who were scared out their wits after discovering lumps in their breasts. There are countless other stories of people devastated by this disease.

Seeing this simple, beautiful message touched me. I don't know who left it or why. I can only speculate. All I know is that it was powerful.

It reminded me that life is short; too short for anger, resentment or wasted opportunities to express our adoration for each other; too short not to sing at the top of your lungs a cheesy rendition of 'happy birthday' over the phone, accost your lover with slobbery kisses and over dramatic hugs, and play hide-and-seek with your kids.

To whomever it was that left that message for whom ever you intended it for, may your love be for forever and always...even if death separates you for now.


Heather said...

I love you, you beautiful woman!

Thanks for sharing this. So true.

nanadover said...

Amen Trishelle! My sister died of breast cancer. Time is much to short to sweat the small stuff!
Hugs to you, beautiful lady!

Pieces of me... said...

I love how you see the beauty in just about everything! That's whats so beautiful about you. If I were in Florida I'd be TOTALLY running with you on the beach!! Dragging behind you no doubt, but nonetheless, what a gorgeous veiw!

PS. Jeremy told me you sent an email to me about the inside-out or something? I can't find it and he thinks he accidentally deleted it... if you have a chance to retell what you said, I'd love to hear it.

Tiffany said...

Oh I can't tell you how much I want to come run on the beach with you! What you said is SO true last year I did Race for the Cure in SL and just standing at the starting line I was overcome with emotion at how many people were running. That's one of the many things I love about running, if there is a cause you can usually count on a race being held...
THANK YOU for your kinds words, you never cease to amaze and comfort me, hugs to you beautiful woman!