Thursday, January 21, 2010

Alright, Alright, I'll do it!

Do you remember those cartoons where the characters get hit over the head with a frying pan and it makes the sound, "B-OOOOOO-NNNN-G"?  Then because they haven't learned anything they go in for more and get smooshed by an ACME (whatever that is) truck.  Of course, if you're like me and make like Wylie E Coyote, you go in another time and get clobbered by a huge air born mallet that came out of no-where, which results in an enormous goose egg and missing teeth.

I'm happy to report I'm coming out of this latest experience with all my teeth.  But I'm sure I have that very telling, 'deer in the headlights' expression.  Let me explain...

He-Man and I have, after being dragged kicking and screaming, decided to home school our children.  Don't get me wrong.  Many of the most amazing women I know successfully home school their children (yes, I'm talking about you, Kelley, Desiree and Abby).  They're raising beautiful, confident and socially adept children. I guess I've just always had the fear that my kids are going to be the ones who stand in the corner at social functions, picking their nose and wiping it on the wall.  All the education in the world's not going to do you a lick of good if no one wants to shake your hand.

Anyway, back to the present.  I've been ignoring that sick feeling I've had that something is off right now.  I've pushed aside the looks of terror Bunny gives me as the bus driver has to literally pick her up off the ground to get her on the bus.  I've tried to shrug off the stomach aches and complaints both my children have given me as we've prepared for the nearly 1 mile trip to the bus stop.

Tuesday night, we hunkered down, after identifying the problem and beating the dead horse for days, we made the decision and acted upon it.  Amazingly enough, I felt as light as a feather after months of feeling so worried and weighed down.  I then did what I do when I need to process.  I went for a run.  A good, hard core run.  After that, my resolve was set.  I am doing the right thing.  

Being a person who firmly believes in divine personal revelation, having prayed very fervently for an answer, the response I got is all I need to act.  So, I have about a billion points of interest swimming in my head and must present them in order to organize myself.  Bloggers, please feel free to input...

*Even before we got here, we'd been warned by several people that the school district is REALLY lacking.  Even He-Man's boss (who is a mainstream doctor and a military commander) warned us and encouraged us to consider home school.  Since the district scored so poorly on testing years back, they've resolved their failings with all day kindergarten, loads of homework, less recess and greater pressure for test performance.  Maybe this works, but since my kids are already stressed out right now, it's translated  into daily meltdowns and they are not pretty.

*I'm really hesitant to give up my one on two time with Lulu and Reeses.  We're having a good time right now.  Besides, Lulu's daily path of destruction keeps me busy enough during the day.  Seriously, how on earth can she empty that much nail polish so quickly?!

*I'm surrounded by families in our neighborhood and church members whose experiences are very positive in this school district.  That has given me justification that everything's fine the way it is...But really it's not.  At least for us right now.  The girls are REALLY struggling.  Completely aside from the fact the girls have good teachers, they are hurting and need me.  Period.  Another reason that makes what we're doing enough.

*Sunshine is a very strong child, certainly destined for greatness.  She can debate like a pro (she gets that from her Daddy)  One of the best things for her being in school is learning tolerance, patience for others and realizing that she is NOT the boss.  I don't want to teach her that if she's unhappy with the dynamics of a group of personalities, she can just leave the situation.  I'm not sure how we are going to work this out, but since this is the right course of action, it will work out.

*I'm excited about the prospect of adventure.  I want to go on field trips, teach my kids how to cook, explore the local history, etc.  He-Man and I drove to Saint Augustine's the other was magical!  I want to take my kids there, to explore the oldest town in America, to do grave rubbings, to walk the historic beaches.  I want to take a day trip to Savannah and patronize the 'Gone With The Wind" museum...sigh! 

*The best part of this is that we'll be around each other all the time.  The worst part of this is we'll be around each other the time.

*Once I realized that this decision doesn't have to be permanent, I stopped feeling so much pressure.  We'll just keep revisiting this every year.

Okay, now that I've covered the big ones, I'm suddenly tired.  Look at me!!  I can't even write about it without being exhausted!  Sheesh!


Keli said...

I hate this post. LOL! I only hate it because I too, have had that nagging feeling, to do the homeshchool thing. I just keep ignoring it. Averi and Carter are doing really really well in public school. Really. I have been in bed more of the past 2 years than not, these are my justtifications. When I am healthy this fall...I fear I am out of justifications...then I have to hate this post even more, I think I also fear the social ineptness that I often see in kids that are home schooled. But, even more than that, I fear...ME, being a good teacher, good enough to teach them all they need to know. I think I just want to blame the school system if they fail...that would be too painful for me to see them fail and feel responsible. AHHHHH...maybe I am just crazy. Maybe I don't need to homeschool, or maybe I only need to for a short while...nothing permanent...right?? Well, at least you got me to really think about this...maybe I too will be brave. I don't really hate this really hit close to home! Love you!

Stephanie said...

I understand, but let me say I do not believe in home schooling (not to offend you or anything) because there is more to school than the academics....But when we were in Meridian for the year, we had a an absolutely horrible rotten experience with TYler's teacher. And after that I completely understand why people homeschool. In fact i was considering pulling him out until we found out we were moving. Then after I enrolled him her in Soda(in kindergarten for a 2nd year because of a crappy experience) I realized what a good teacher and a good school and a good schooling experience should be! I realized I had been ignoring those nagging feelings that something wasn't right the whole time he was in Meridian. I thought it was me just being an over protective mother to my first born. So i'm glad you didn't ignore your feelings and you're doing what you feel you should. However is there a charter school or something you could look into?

Abby said...

I have no doubt you will be a wonderful teacher, using all your resources and the resources of others to put together a good program. You are just awesome that way (and I say that with the utmost sincerity).

That said, don't stress as you work to figure things out! You'll figure things out as you go along and even though it'll be an adjustment from one on two to one on four, there are so many wonderful things that will come from it.

And don't worry about Sunshine and feeling like you're teaching her that if she doesn't like the dynamics of a group, she can leave. She's not going to take from you that you are saying unconditionally that this is the way it always is. We don't always leave a group when we don't like the dynamics, and I bet she knows that already! But also, on the flip side -- sometimes it's IMPORTANT to leave a group when you don't like the dynamics! (I am reminded of a lot of situations growing school and out of that I'm grown up! This is a valuable lesson. Really.)

Erin said...

Wow! I don't believe in coincidence, so there is definitely something going on! As for me, I am excited but still freaking out quite a bit, since this is my kids' last day today too. I guess we'll both just have fun trying things out with our kids until we figure out what we're doing huh? I don't know if you have any particular method you want to try yet, but may I suggest reading "A Thomas Jefferson Education" by Oliver DeMille. It's a great book and really makes sense, at least for us. In the meantime, let me know if you find something fabulously fun or that works really well! You are going to be awesome at this and your kids will be so much happier and have so much fun!! Yay! (Hold on, while I go have a small nervous breakdown...) Ok, I'm good now. ;)

Beeks by the Lake said...

I know a few moms who homeschool here. They said they have an online system that allows them to make sure they get through the CORE classes and has frequent tests - and tests are important if you might eventually stop homeschooling. And apparently the system is free because there is already $7,000 a year in taxes set aside for each child. AND you still have time for all the other teaching and exploring you want to do. Check with the State and see what options are available to you.

I know you've made your decision, but have you tried going to her classroom and staying a while. My daughter's kindergarten teacher had a spot for little brothers and sisters to play while parents helped out. That made a huge difference with her, and her teacher was amazing!

I went to a private school in Texas and loved it. Is that an option? It was part of a non-denominational church and my mom and I loved it. Of course to keep tuition down they required a certain amount of mom time.

Good luck with that. Being a strong family is the most important thing and the church really emphasizes the importance of education.

Beeks by the Lake said...

check out this blog and her homeschooling blog

Laurie Linn said...

I cannot think of a better person to homeschool her children. I can tell you, from personal experience, that you are a wonderful teacher! You will do a wonderful job - and don't worry, you're children will NOT be standing in a corner rubbing their boogers on the wall. They will thrive!

Laurie Linn said...

I cannot think of a better person to homeschool their children. I can tell you, from personal experience, - you are a great teacher. And trust me when I say - your girls are NOT going to find your girls standing in a corner, wiping their boogers on the wall. You are doing the right thing!Go for it. . .

Kelley said...

GREAT IDEA! I have really enjoyed homeschooling my children, though I must admit that I've decided to send Josh back to school. I too have been getting hit over the head with a frying pan, and have FINALLY realized that I cannot give him AND my other kids the education they need. I can give Matt and Ben a fantastic education, but Josh's special needs are too much for me and I need to let the people who have made Special Education their life's vocation help him.

That said, I KNOW you (and I) can do this. Homeschool is awesome, and I love doing it. I highly recommend you read several really great books:
"Thomas Jefferson Education" by Oliver DeMille, "The Original Homeschooling Series" by Charlotte Mason (specifically volumes 1 and 3), "The Charlotte Mason Companion" by Karen Andreola, and the website Actually, start with the website. It's full of really great stuff. I love Charlotte Mason and her method of gentle (but effective) learning. It makes a great deal of sense academically, but what's also cool is that she addresses the education and training of the whole child. Really great stuff.

Good luck! I KNOW you can do this!!!

Desiree said...

You will do awesome Trishelle. And, to be honest, I was brought to the homeschool decision kicking and screaming as well, and sometimes still finding myself kicking and screaming. BUT, I always come back to the same answer, and that is I know that it's where I'm supposed to have my children, and it works for us. I believe God has a greater purpose for learning when he wants us to homeschool our children. I think you will be a great homeschool teacher, you have some awesome knowledge that surely needs to be passed on, and even when you don't think you know enough you learn right along with your kiddos. It's so much fun!

I was going to suggest all the same exact reading that Kelley did! The homeschool series by Charlotte Mason is wonderful (even though I have not read it entirely myself), and Thomas Jefferson education is great too. I really love the Charlotte Mason methods, it just seems like she is telling us exactly how children will learn the best. Also, the hand book of nature study blog goes right along with that. I'm still trying to get better at the nature study with my kids, and they love that part the most. You can always look at my homeschool blog to find other homeschooling blogs (there are tons out there). Whenever I get discouraged, I find comfort in reading others' homeschooling journey's.

Rosa Zerkle said...

I'm cheering for you! You can SO do this. It's overwhelming at first. In fact, it takes about three years to feel like you've found your groove. However, once you get through that, it gets much easier. (Really, it's like the three year itch and I've seen it pop up with almost everyone we've worked with. LOL)

The previous advice is great. Charlotte Mason and Thomas Jefferson Education are fantastic. THe TJE guy lives here in Cedar and founded a college based on his model.

Also, check out She's LDS and offers that unique perspective in her inventory. She also ships super fast. Oh, and start small! You don't have to buy everything right away! LOL

Penny Duncan said...

I have several friends who have home schooled their children for the right reasons. All of them have since reenrolled them in public school when the time was right- except for one, but in my opinion, she is doing it for the wrong reason - she's paranoid. None of the other children suffered in any way by being home schooled.
Sunshine will learn that you are there for her when things get rough. She will learn that there are times when it is best to take the road less traveled and remove yourself from a situation that isn't working.
You do not have to do this forever. In fact two of my friends reenrolled their children in the middle of the school year - because the time was right.
You can do this. Check into the charter school thing.
I'm excited because you will may have more opportunities to visit with us and visa versa.
Lots of great field trips available up here!

Jennifer said...

You will do great teaching your kids at home and you will know when it is time for them to get enrolled back. It breaks my heart to think that sunshine and bunny were not adjusting well at their new school. I am sure it is very different there and hard to be the new kid. My daughters still struggle with being the new kids at their school and not fitting in social circles. I know you can do it and I truly hope it will reduce the stress on the girls.

nanadover said...

This is a wonderful plan Trishelle!

I wish I had home schooled at least part of my kids!

I did have the opportunity to home school my oldest granddaughter for preschool. What an adventure! I loved it! I can't wait till my next two little grandkids turn 4 so I can teach preschool for them.

Chellers said...

Oh Trishelle, I feel for you. What a difficult decision. My sister, Cristina, made the same decision a few months ago. She could be a great resource to you if you need it. Let me know if you want her contact information. YOU CAN DO IT!!! Much love from all of us.

Ward Family said...

It is a lot to take on but good for you for following through! I always thought you would make a great teacher and now you get to share all that with your girls all day! Also, Sunshine wanted my email address... it is

Cristina said...

I know it's a daunting prospect to homeschool, but I promise you can do it! I started homeschooling my 2nd grader and Kindergartner this year. I follow the ideas in the book called The Well-Trained Mind. I'd be happy to talk with you about my experiences with homeschooling so far. Good luck, and pray a lot! I know you'll do a great job!!!

Heather said...

"The best part of this is that we'll be around each other all the time. The worst part of this is we'll be around each other the time."

My exact feeling about homeschooling. :)

I know you will do a fantastic job with homeschooling. You do an amazing job of following the spirit and doing what is right for your children. Why should this be any exception?

The Woolner Family said...

My hats off to you. I think I would have a million hours of recess a day.

Jessie said...

Trishelle, can I fly Sophia over to your school?? lol You are going to be an amazing teacher, good for you!

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Deanna said...

If ANYONE at all can do it and succeed, it is YOU. Totally!!!! You will rewrite the book for homeschooling. Way to go and let us know how it goes.

Jean McKendrick said...

Sorry your kids had it so rough in their new school. You ought to link up with Amy Harding or Elizabeth Welling, they both home school here and might have some great ideas to share.

Pieces of me... said...

I just watched 'My Sister's Keeper'... I can't even imagine.

Can I just say, I think you'd be the ultimate homeschooling mother! Who is more better qualified including the pazazz for life! You'd do such a wonderful job!

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Trishelle said...
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