Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Monday Morning Tea Party with Jules...

On Monday, one of my oldest friends and her family (seriously, we've known each other since we were 12) came to share our lunch. Since she has two girls who are relatively the same age as our girls, we determined it was time to have a tea party...

Julie and her husband were in town for a series of interviews. He is finishing his residency and preparing for the post-med school world...Yahoo! He bore the tea party well while their adorable son made funny faces for the camera. In the meantime, he and He-Man had great time discussing their grad-school experiences.

Julie and I have known each other for going on 20 years. After they left, I've found myself pondering the blessings of having friends who stick with you that long....even through the teenage years, when very few of us can claim those times to be our crowning achievements. It was amazing to see Julie and her beautiful family so happy.

Of course, the kids didn't find sitting and chatting for hours to be that exciting, so they hit the playdough and found themselves quite contented.

1 comment:

The Lee's said...

looks like you had quite the tea party! glad you all had fun :)