It's taken me two weeks to construct this blog entry. My hesitation has been from a mix of emotions, lack of time and total exhaustion. BUT, I'm back in fighting form and ready to declare what it was that I was trying to declare 2 weeks ago...I am pregnant and I'm really happy about it. About a week ago, I started an entry that attempted to articulate my feelings but I couldn't quite what I was trying to say so I'm not posting it; and instead, I'm sharing an update.
Don't get me wrong, from the initial discovery, it was good news but at first there were added emotions of fear mingled with a little bit of confusion. I guess I shouldn't be all that confused considering we've already managed to produce three children of the female variety. I
guess the curiosity stems from wondering how on earth my kids know I'm pregnant before I tell them?
With Bunny, Sunshine told me that she was coming and her name was [Bunny]. I thought that it was cute until I realized she was right. This time, He-Man and I decided to keep the information to ourselves until Bunny curled up in my lap the other day and asked me, "Momma, do you have a baby in your tummy...'cause I think you do and his name is [insert nick-name here]."
So, we are going to be a family of 6. Great things come in 6's:
*1/2 dozen creme filled Krispie Kreme donuts
*6-pack abs...that are by this time, a pipe dream for me...sigh
*a pack of soda, root beer, with a dollop of bubble gum flavored ice be exact.
*the number of strings on a guitar
*the number of geese "a-laying" you think that may hurt a little?
*the degrees of separation between you, me and Kevin Bacon
*the number of children I'd need to yet birth in order to have 9 kids
So in honor of the number six, I've decided to share 6 curiosities/observations/epitomies that I've had in the past few weeks.
1. Last weekend, I went to a 'Ryan Shupe and the Rubberband' concert at BYU. BYU is quite unlike any other place I've ever visited. Case in point, as my friend, Carol, and I were waiting for the concert to begin I noticed the back of some guy's T-shirt. It said, "Modest is the Hottest". I found this particularly interesting since we were on a college a concert...and the t-shirt was being worn by a GUY! At one point during the concert, the band invited a couple of people to join them on stage to help sing a song. I can safely bet that atleast 30 people rushed the stage, got their groove on and had a hollerin' good time...all while completely SOBER!
2. I was driving to the store the other day and happened to look at the driver next to me. I saw what I assume was a young mom driving a mini-van full of kids. The part that made it all the more interesting was that she was wearing big sparkly earrings and a tiara. It made me wonder if she had her driving tiara by her keys so it would be convenient to grab both of them in one step instead of wondering through the house looking for both. Then and there I decided that driving around in a tiara and jeans was totally for me. Where does one aquire a tiara without entering and winning a pagaent?
3. When a bald man walks around with a comb in his back pocket what are his intentions and/or how long are his eyebrows? I wouldn't know since I only saw him from the back.
4. What's the most effective way to remove gangly stray eyebrow whiskers from a spouse's brow area? Is it cruel to wait until their sleeping and pluck them with tweezers?
5. Who knew a Lego man could be dreamy?! On Christmas my nephew, Scud, showed me is prized gift from Santa. It was an Indiana Jones Lego Man complete with a scruffy beard and fadora. Lego Jones took me back to childhood when I swooned for Indiana Jones and Han Solo all at once. I wanted to kiss his bald, plastic head. Although, was there any question that the lego version of Harrison Ford is handsome too?
6. With 3 little girls, hundreds of froofy dresses, crowns, dress-up shoes and hair bows, what we would we do with a little boy? How would we raise him, completely immersed in a sea of estrogen, and keep him normal? What is normal? How do you raise boys? What are acceptable accessories for little boys to wear?
Yah for babies! I think your observation of the lady in the next car wearing a tiara is funny considering the dream I had about you wearing a tiara to help me pack boxes!
Congrats on #4 baby! You make such cute ones!
I can imagine you with a driving to your cooking to the cleaning tiara. And I am now thinking of all the years I've gone without one...sigh.
I think I need to go tiara shopping. Won't my grandkids love it?!
I love your blog! You have such an entertaining way with words!
Congratulations lady! That is very exciting news indeed!
How exciting Trishelle and fam!
Get your tierra from a wedding gown store. There are alot of choices there and you'll find the perfect one for you.
I trim Ken's eyebrpws when I cut his hair. Get a pair of scirssors, place the comb between his face and the scirssors and trim away.
Don't worry about how to raise a baby boy. It'll come naturally. My sister has 5 daughters and her grand finale was a little boy who is ALL BOY. Stock up on alot of super hero/star wars costumes and make sure he has a cape. You'll do GREAT!
Does this mean I can finally tell people? I'm dying to share!!! I'm so happy for you.
Congrats! If this is a little man, that will be awesome! Boys are so fun! You will do great! Yeah!!!
Congratulations! We're so happy for you guys! Don't worry about the boy thing, my little brother is the youngest with 3 older sisters, and he survived just fine. Even though we used to dress him up in our play dresses and everything!
I second the bridal store idea for your new, and very necessary, tiara. but if you are looking for something a little less spendy (maybe so you could buy one for each female of the house!) try a party store like Zurchers.
Congratulations on # 4! So exciting.
And in answer to a few of your observations:
#2 There are Pageant stores online..I bet you can fine a really awesome tiara. You should have one!
# 3 Maybe it was for his back hair?
#4 In our house it's called Manscaping....they make little razors for just this purpose. I buy ones with a brand name of El Perfaildor (or something).
Congrats! That's exciting!!!
So, when are you due?
CONGRATULATIONS! Somehow I already knew that you were pregnant. I think it was from something Jon saw on Facebook. Anyway, lots of congratulations.
I thought the same thing backwards when I knew I was having a girl. We have lots of cars and legos and superhero capes, but not much in the way of tiaras (I want one, too, by the way), sparkly shoes, and froofy dresses. Somehow we've managed to not warp her yet. I'm sure he'll do great with lots of little mommies to help. :)
First of all Congrats! Second I am right there with ya! I am worried/excited that my #4 will be a boy. I too have 3 girls. What would I do with a boy???!!?? :) (I find out Feb 13th)
Congratulations! That is so exciting! You are such an amazing mom!
Once again, Congratulations Chris an Trishelle :) You are excellent parents, and I'm sure you'll hardly notice the 4th one running around :) (in a good way... not in a neglectful parent kind of way)
Congrats Trishelle! Wow, four kids! I'm sure you'll handle it with perfect grace as always. :)
Hola Chica,
Congrats on #4! I hope you get a boy! Do you know for sure that it is a boy, did I miss something? Let me know, and still waiting on lunchdate for lunch!
hi mom!
I read this a while ago and didn't have time to respond, and then forgot to go back and say Congratulations!!! I think 4 is a great number! And, 6 is even better!
Even numbers are also great for going on rides at Disneyland. Congratulations.
Boys are amazing! I had similar thoughts and feelings during my last pregnancy. After 9 years of JUST girls I didn't think I was up to the challenge BUT alas, being the mother of a boy is the most adventurous ride I think I've been on. They smile differently, they climb on everything and they suck you into their world of hitting, kicking, ball throwing and ALWAYS wanting to be outside and dirty. You'll love it! Congrats!
P.S. After the kids have gone to bed is the perfect time to pluck those stays. Who doesn't want to be up close and personal with their man after the kids have gone to bed?
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