Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Kid's Questions tag...

My wonderful friend Mary Ann posted this on her blog and I thought it was so cute!

1. What is something mom always says to you?
Sunshine: I don't know, you don't say anything a lot...how about, "Go to your room."

Bunny: Will you please get a diaper and wipes for me?

2. What makes mom happy?

Sunshine: Daddy coming home, What makes mom happy is seeing us happy.

Bunny: When I say 'I love you'

3. What makes mom sad?

Sunshine: Me hurting Bunny

Bunny: When I hurt Sunshine

4. How does mom make you laugh?

Sunshine: tickle me

Bunny: tickle (she said this while eating carrot so carrot pieces were spraying everywhere!

5. What was mom like as a child?

Sunshine: Annoying

Bunny: Nice

6. How old is mom?

Sunshine: hmmmmm. 78 years old

Bunny: 3 (holding up fingers)

7. How tall is mom?

Sunshine: 100 inches

Bunny: 3 inches

8. What is mom's favorite thing to do?

Sunshine: I know, is kiss Daddy

Bunny: Paint toes

9. What does mom do when you're not around?

Sunshine: sneak people's chocolate

Bunny: Be nice

11. What is mom really good at?

Sunshine: Being worried about me

Holly: Hard puzzles? (I have never actually done a puzzle)

12. What is mom not good at?

Sunshine: Playing spy

Bunny: Being not nice

13. What is mom's job?

Sunshine: setting the alarm clock

Bunny: Being nice

14. What is mom's favorite food?

Sunshine: Broccoli Curry ala Duncan

Bunny: Sometimes she likes macaroni and cheese but she can't

15. What makes you proud of mom?

Sunshine: When she smooshes spiders

Bunny: Giving her a hug

16. What do you and mom do together?

Sunshine: play

Bunny: play

17. How are you and mom the same?

Sunshine: We both had yellow hair when we were little

Bunny: We are both nice and have eczema

18. How are you and mom different?

Sunshine: We don't have a toy kitty that is a computer

Bunny: Because we don't have yellow hair

19. How do you know mom loves you?

Sunshine: She tells me thousands of times! (rolling her eyes)

Holly: Because you really, really love me.


cmnacnud said...

You should do that for me and write it down so I can post it on my blog.

Miche said...

That is so sweet! What a great way to remember these fun ages. I love that you are not good at not being nice. Very true!

Mary Ann said...

I love that you were "annoying" as a child! Where did she get that? It is so fun to hear it all from a childs perspective.

Abby said...

My favorite one was "Sneaking other People's Chocolate". That's just awesome. That would be me too.... :)

Kirstin said...

Okay, so I totally stole this idea and did it with my girls. It was sooo much fun. Then when we were done, I read them yours and they were laughing so hard they were crying! Even Kenlsey joined in(courtesy laugh cause of her sisters of course) Their favorite was the sneaking other peoples chocolate. So cute! I think it's only fair to do one for the dad as well. We want to see it!

Robin said...

I can't believe how big your girls are getting! Time flies, I guess. That's so funny about the "sneaking chocolate" because I am guilty too. I'm glad you're blogging!